Workplace Flu Jabs

Workplace Flu Jabs

Workplace Flu Jabs

The flu is one of the biggest drivers of workplace absence, by some estimates costing the economy £30 billion annually. The flu season usually starts in late autumn and continues until early spring, however colder weather can cause it to start earlier or end later. Annual workplace flu jabs are the best way to prevent the flu and any complications, and keep your employees, happy, healthy, and productive.

workplace flu jabs

What is the flu?

Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a respiratory infection – it usually causes symptoms affecting the nose, throat, and lungs, however it can also lead to muscle and body aches, headaches, fatigue, a fever, and vomiting. It is also highly contagious and can spread easily in the workplace – just as with Covid, it can remain on surfaces, transferring the virus from one person to another through door handles, rails, keyboards, and appliances. Another factor that makes the flu easily transferrable is the fact that the infected person will usually not notice any symptoms in the first stages of the illness, however they will remain contagious throughout.

workplace flu jabs

Why should I be concerned now?

The flu season lasts between 4 and 8 months depending on the weather, the spread, and a number of other factors, usually covering winter and a number of adjacent months. It is, however, of utmost importance to prepare in advance.

By booking your workplace flu jabs in advance, you are preventing high costs, as if the jabs are ordered before the season starts the costs are significantly lower. In addition, as with other vaccines there is an adjustment period where the body develops an immunity – for the flu it is usually around 10 to 14 days – thus having them early will reduce the risks of infection. The best time to get the flu vaccination is considered to be early October – just before the start of the season, however this will vary by year, so if you are unsure speak to your provider, or reach out to us.

At Fusion, we offer 2 types of vaccination services: you can book a nurse-led on site visit, or receive vouchers for Boots the Chemist. Alternatively, we offer a combination of both. You can reach out below to learn more about what we offer, or book yours today!

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