Welcome to Fusion Occupational Health

Welcome to Fusion Occupational Health

Welcome to Fusion Occupational Health

You might be wondering just who Fusion Occupational Health is. Allow us to introduce ourselves.

Where did we begin?

We’ll need to go back to the leap year of 1992. There was a general election, the launch of a new 10 pence coin, and it was an “annus horribilis” for the Royal Family. But for us, it marks the starting point of the Fusion timeline.

1992 – National Britannia, based in South Wales, is founded. It soon develops in several areas of environmental management and risk management.

1998 – National Britannia acquired Phoenix Occupational Health, which became a division of the National Britannia Group;

2007 – The business is purchased by Connaught PLC and Connaught Compliance Services is born.

2011 – Following the collapse of the Building Services business within Connaught, the Compliance Division is sold to Better Capital and renamed Santia Consulting Ltd.

2015 – Santia Consulting is acquired by the Alcumus Group. Their aim is to grow and develop the subscription supplier services arm of the business. As a result, occupational health is put up for alternative ownership.

2016 – A management buyout is completed for the occupational health division and Fusion Occupational Health is born.

For anyone who knew us as Santia, we are the same people, in the same location, but with new ideas, new investment and an enhanced service.

New name, new look

Since we had a new name, we thought we ought to give a new look and feel to the Fusion brand. So we asked Cardiff based web design agency, UpriseVSI to create a logo that summed up our approach to occupational health.

Simple, clean and concise, it says precisely what we do.

Our new Fusion icon also cleverly hints at the approach we take with every client.

It’s a ‘fusion’ of four symbols, each representing one of the benefits that we can bring to any organisation: health, safety, wellbeing, and productivity.

These symbols conjoin to create two infinity symbols, signifying the ongoing relationships that we build with our clients.

In the middle of the icon there are five shapes, each representing one of the services that we can offer; work health assessments, absence management, health surveillance, and drug and alcohol testing.

Our new website

Along with our new brand identity, we needed a website that showed exactly how we have helped organisations.

Feel free to take a look around. It’s been designed so that you can find our occupational health services, the clients we have worked with and the results that we’ve achieved for them.

Once you’ve seen what we can offer, if you have any questions then please get in touch.

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