Management Referrals
What is a Management Referral? Management referrals are for managers and HR teams who may have concerns about the health and wellbeing of an employee […]
New Starter Assessments
A New Starter Assessment (NSA) is the most cost-effective way to identify health problems early on so that appropriate adjustments can be put in place to […]
Day 1 Absence Management
A 24/7 central absence line, staffed by our trained operators, providing the opportunity to track, manage, and reduce sickness absence in your workplace by […]
Health & Wellbeing Promotion
With a focus on inclusivity and a commitment to catering to the diverse needs of workplaces, our wellbeing days are tailored to address specific areas of concern […]
Health Surveillance
Health surveillance is an annual workplace assessment that is needed when an employee is exposed to hazards that could affect their health […]
Employee and workplace wellbeing
Airside driver medicals
Airside driver medicals are required for all staff driving vehicles within airside to ensure employees are healthy and fit to DVLA Group 1 standard.
Hearing and sight loss accessibility
Workplace assessments can help significantly improve the working experience for people affected by hearing and/or sight loss.
Drug and alcohol testing
In order to protect your business from drugs and alcohol misuse, it’s important for your staff to receive professional drug and alcohol testing.
OH consultation and policy review
As part of our strategic consulting service, we assess various aspects of OH policies and processes to determine areas requiring improvement.
Ergonomic assessment
An ergonomic assessment is about being proactive in the prevention of injury that can occur in the workplace.
Vaccinations & immunisation
Immunisations and vaccinations are an excellent way to protect your employees’ health and are important in any Health and Wellbeing strategy.
Menopause assessment
Those affected by the menopause can benefit from a range of support options, which is why as assessment can help determine the best course of action.
Ergonomic equipment
We offer a range of ergonomic equipment solutions tailored to your and your employees’ needs and workplace requirements.
Neurodiversity assessments
Getting a neurodiversity assessment can be crucial in ensuring an employee is provided with appropriate support.
Employee support programmes
An EAP is designed to help employees and their families access health, mental health and professional advice 24/7, 365 days of the year.
We’ve been delivering innovative OH physiotherapy services for about 20 years and are a SEQOHS registered specialist supplier.
Laughter yoga
Laughter yoga is an excellent activity to reduce stress, improve mood and resilience, and bring your team closer together.
Eye tests and spectacle vouchers
We are now providing on-demand and recurring, on and off site eye testing services enhanced with our spectacle vouchers offerings.
Workplace counselling
Our in-house counselling is available to individuals who have been recognised as possibly benefitting from counselling services.
Drug and alcohol testing training
To protect your business from drugs and alcohol misuse, it’s important for your staff to receive professional drug and alcohol testing training.
Menopause awareness training
Over 3 million people in the UK are negatively affected by menopause symptoms, yet often there is no support available.
Mindfulness coaching
Mindfulness coaching sessions improve your ability to remain task focused and ensure you are better equipped to cope with stress.
Transgender awareness training
To encourage appropriate support and level of awareness in the workplace, we offer transgender awareness training.
Health and wellbeing workshops
One of our experts in many areas of wellbeing can run a workshop on site or online to deliver bespoke sessions to engage with your employees.
Mental health first aid training
Fusion’s trainers are accredited to provide MHFA training that has been designed to support employers and managers.
Neurodiversity training
Recognition and management of neurodiversity involves education and the development of a support culture.
Hearing and sight loss awareness training
We are delighted to offer workplace training options to improve accessibility for employees affected by sight and/or hearing loss.