Menopause in the Workplace

Service enhancements - wellness

Menopause in the Workplace

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Support for menopause in the workplace

Evidence suggests that women in the workplace are struggling to balance work demands and the physical, psychological and emotional symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.

Research by NHS England and NHS Improvement showed by having an optimal care pathway in place for those suffering with significant menopause symptoms could lead to potential savings and opportunities for improved productivity, monetised as of over half a billion pounds per year.

Menopausal employees need access to effective health services, communities, and systems that support them. Unfortunately, awareness and access to menopause symptom treatments remains a continued challenge for NHS primary care services. It’s important for companies to invest not only in providing education and training, but also effective and supportive treatment options alongside ongoing lifestyle advice.


of the UK female population are in the perimenopause or menopause.


of all women in the workplace are of menopause age.

1 in 10

women leave their job due to menopause.


working days are lost due to menopause symptoms.


of women say symptoms negatively impact their work.

Impact of menopause and perimenopause in the workplace 

Perimenopause and menopause can occur between the ages of 34 – 65. Menopause can cause a variety of symptoms including, but not limited to: hot flushes, tiredness, memory loss, urgency to urinate, decreased focus, depression, pain, and a lack of motivation.

The effects of menopause in the workplace can include increased absenteeism, loss of talent and knowledge, low levels of productivity, poor company culture, and a negative business reputation. 

Realising and investing in a menopause awareness, assessment, and treatment plan for your employees can:

  • Improve health and wellbeing in your workplace
  • Increase productivity, performance, and confidence among your employees
  • Boost morale and employee engagement
  • Reduce absenteeism
  • Retain experience, skilled and talented female employees
  • Reduce stigma of menopause

Our service

We can offer you and your employees personalised consultations with an experienced menopause professional, blood profiling to support bespoke wellness and maintenance, and a personalised treatment and wellness plan which includes lifestyle advice, medical treatment and vitamin, and supplement recommendations. In addition to treating individual employees, we can offer company-wide training courses to raise awareness for menopause in the workplace, training staff on the symptoms and how they can help they colleagues within the workplace.

By offering employees consultation and treatment for menopause through the workplace, you can gain diagnosis and treatment faster with specialist expertise, enabling them to continue on their day-to-day tasks. The initial on-boarding call is free, with no obligation to continue. Contact us today to find out more!

Suggested workplace menopause treatment plan for employees

menopause in the workplace chart
