Owning over 60 private mental healthcare hospitals, our client provides care for children and adults with complex mental health conditions all over the UK.
As the business grew, our client purchased a large number of private mental health hospitals.

Since the clinical staff at the new locations had not previously received occupational health input, our client wished to take steps to ensure that there was adequate staff vaccinations to cover for their roles.
The organisation wanted to ensure that it was fulfilling its legal duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1975 and COSHH 2002 by protecting both patients and staff.
We advised the client to follow Department of Health recommendations that all clinical staff who are directly involved with patient care are up to date with Tetanus, Polio and Diphtheria.
Two doses of MMR are recommended, as well as BCG / TB clearance and adequate immunity to Hepatitis B for health care workers who are likely to be exposed to body fluids at work.
The team at Fusion worked with the client to produce a vaccination evidence form which was distributed to the employees at the new locations.
The employees gathered the requested vaccination evidence from their previous OH departments or GPs and then emailed or posted the form back to us. Vaccination evidence was assessed by our Occupational Health clinicians.
Where employees were found to have adequate vaccination cover, fitness forms were issued to the client. If staff were found to be deficient in vaccination evidence, we contacted the employee to advise what vaccinations were required.
If employees were found to require vaccinations, we provided the client with a nurse to visit the location and administer the vaccination.
Alternatively, we arranged for the employee to attend a local private hospital, travel clinic or pharmacy.
Within a three-month period, employees from the new locations had received an assessment of their vaccination status and, where needed, had undergone further vaccinations.