Statement of intent
Corporate social responsibility in the context of an organisation is a long-term, ongoing commitment to doing better by individuals, communities, and the planet. It’s a desire that sits at the heart of your company to create as much positive impact and as little negative impact as possible.
The main areas of focus are:
- Social Value
- Economic
- Environmental
This policy document sets out the key processes and responsibilities in relation to the implementation and delivery of Corporate Sustainability for the five-year period commencing July 2023.
Vision Statement
Fusion Occupational Health aim to be the partner of choice for occupational health and wellbeing consultancy. We believe that our business is built on developing and maintaining valued relationships with customers. We aim to be an organisation that is transparent in our corporate sustainability practice for our people, customers, and partners.
Social Value
Fusion has a number of initiatives that benefit both our local and national communities, our staff, and our stakeholder these include:
- Free and/or discounted Mental Health First Aid Training Courses for Charitable organisations and individuals working for charities.
- Train a proportion of company staff to be Mental Health First Aiders.
- Apprentice schemes for both new starters and for employees already in role to enhance their skills.
- Hold regular mental health workshops at their key office locations.
- To provide a comprehensive range of employee benefits that give mental health support 24/7 and provide access to a number of essential helplines including, financial, family issues, bereavement, and legal support.
- Provision of the FUSE AI Health and Wellbeing platform.
- Engage with stakeholders, partners, and our supply chains who have similar values and beliefs.
- Supporting staff in their charity endeavours through sponsorship and resources. The company will consider contributing towards entry fees, travel, and accommodation costs.
- Supporting staff to engage with local community work by approving paid leave for volunteering of up to 1 day per person per annum.
- For office based roles, we endeavour to recruit from the local community.
- Provide opportunities for young people to participate in work experience at our office locations. These places are offered to schools local to our offices, so we can support the local community.
Keeping up to date with H&S regulation and best practices.
Inviting small local businesses to present their goods and services to the office community.
Promoting from within the business is always the recruitment option.
Expanding our quality accreditations to demonstrate that quality is a foremost requisite in the way that the business is operated.
Purchasing from and employing the services of local, independent businesses for company functions and events.
Investing in the training and upskilling of our employees to ensure that we have the skill sets we require both now and in the future.
Fusion has already acquired a number of environmental accreditations that support its desire to minimise its impact on the environment. These include:
This year we have been awarded a silver Ecovadis medal, meaning in 2023 we were in the top 25% of all companies assessed! We are proud of our sustainability efforts and will continue our work in this direction.
ISO 14001:2015 is a standard that specifies the requirements that an organisation can use for its environmental management system to elevate its environmental performance.
Other relevant actions include:
- Tracking and measuring carbon emissions to enable us to reduce our overall environmental footprint.
- Ensuring suppliers are aligned to the same objectives and accredited to the same standards.
- Using technology to reduce the use of paper wherever possible.
- Exchange company vehicles for electric cars wherever possible.
- Install electric charging ports at company office locations.
☑ Give away 50 free MHFA places by the end of 2025 to charities and/or charity workers.
☑ Aim to have over 25% of all staff MHFA trained.
☑ Have 90% of employees signed up to FUSE AI.
☑ Environmental: reducing operational carbon emissions by 50% by January 2040.
☑ Charity and community: developing sustainable partnerships with 3 local charities/community groups.
☑ Procurement: supporting our suppliers in adopting the concepts of corporate sustainability, with 50% adopting corporate sustainability by 2026.
Our Executive Board has overall responsibility for the strategic direction of CS across the organisation by:
All managers and employees are responsible for driving forward this CS strategy on a number of levels including, participation in community volunteering programmes, environmental good practice, and relationships with suppliers and customers.
Reporting and Benchmarking
The Board will determine the level and manner for reporting of CS.
The Board will look to adopt the most appropriate reporting method based on the prevailing economic, social, and environmental climate.
We will ensure that our resources, in terms of people, materials and equipment, premises, and finances are aligned to facilitate the delivery of this policy.
We will strive to ensure that our key CS personnel are fully trained and kept up to date with developments and trends in CS technologies.
This policy will be reviewed as the need arises, in line with changes to our strategic business plan.